Sunday, January 8, 2012

Project 52

Just like last year, I am throwing some of my energy into another Project 52 (or, at least, intending to!). In case you have never come across the term before, it means I will be following a list of 52 subjects for the 52 weeks of the year, and aiming to shoot a photo that fits the theme of that week.
Last year started well... but life happens, aaaannnd... I kinda slacked off a bit after a few months. At this precise moment, I have every intention of keeping up with this year's, but since I am already a week behind, the forecast doesn't look good!
This year's list is coming courtesy of MCP Actions - they are running a far more attainable Project 12 themselves (maybe that would be a better idea for me? Hmmm... let's just see how things go...) - but they ran a Project 52, last year, and it is their list of suggestions that I will be using.
So... let's get cracking with the first 2 subjects (yes... I know... slacker!):
Week 1: "Something around the house"
Week 2: "Illustrate a song"


  1. :-) Im trying to do a photo a day - needless to say the camera phone has come in handy for days when i have forgotten!! :-/ Perhaps the 52 is more attainable for me? off to look it up! By the way - nice blog Mandy! :-D Row.

  2. LOL - tell me about it! I'm not even managing the 52 very well right now, let alone a 365! But hey... camera phones count. ;-)

    Thanks Row x


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